
For the Week of April 24th - 27th


TuesdayRead for 20 minutes Leveled reader, Spalding: Write each word 3x each, Review Phonograms, Math - WKBK 162 - 164

WednesdayRead for 20 minutes Leveled reader, Spalding: Write each word 3x each *Review Phonograms, Math WKBK 165 - 167

Read for 20 minutes - Leveled reader, Spalding: Write 20 words 1x each, Review Phonograms, Math - WKST

FridayRead for 20 minutes, WKST

Spalding Homework Directions
a.) Ask your child to write their name and number at the top of the attached Spalding paper and fold it in half (vertical/long/“hot dog” way).

b.) Please say each spelling word once, pausing for your child to write the word. Remind your child to "tell your pencil what to write”. (Students should be whispering phonograms as they write them to fully engage in the lesson.) *Remind your child to include all markings (as modeled below). This includes a space to separate syllables. 

c.) Check for errors; have your child cross out the word if an error in spelling has occurred and rewrite the correct spelling next to the word.

d.) Repeat this entire process for the right-hand column, then again on the back of the paper. (Only one column should be shown and completed at a time.) Make sure your child has written the entire list once before writing words for a second/third time. 

e.) Remember to continually monitor your child's handwriting for proper letter formation and pencil grip. 

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